Friday, 1 July 2011


quite a few people have been asking me this, and so i should probably write it up.

Why am i doing this?

the last six months have been hard. food lost flavor, life lost taste. i was bored, broke, tired... i couldnt focus on any task other than the mundane and automated; video games, dishes, sleep...

i spent my days reading very little, playing lots of video games, smoking a pack a day and dreaming of something better. then my friend Daniel came back from Egypt and told me all about it! thats when i decided, it was time for me to get the hell outa dodge, and recharge my spirits.

to understand why it seems like a great idea you need to understand how i think. firstly, I grew up surrounded by religions. hindu, catholics, muslims, bhuddists etc... i lived in Indonesia for a great portion of my life, and i love it dearly. there is something about strife that has always attracted me. i feel a great sense of compassion for those that go through real problems, life threatening problems. and i have always felt that it was my duty (as it is everyones duty) to make the world a better place, and to truly understand other peoples suffering. the opportunities presented in Egypt are just too important to pass up right now. on top of a new country, life and culture, it is also an amazing chance for me to hone my writing skills, maybe work as a freelance journalist or writer, gain the life experiences i always wanted and make a difference.

so there it is, my reason for the sudden change. i expect everyone to kick me into action if i start to falter!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh. I'll be kicking you. Worry not!
