Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Quick catch-up!

Cairo so far

Cairo grew on me from day one. Everything I have seen so far are just a plethora of different experiences I have never imagined. I won’t romanticise Cairo because Cairo is far from perfect, but to say that it isn’t a world class city would be a bold faced lie.

Cairo is such a big city, and my experiences have been limited to Zamalek, Abul Hole, and Tahrir which means obviously that I can’t speak for the entire city from personal experience, but I have seen the massive contrast between wealth and poverty. In fact I live in an arguably impoverished neighbourhood. I have been ripped off by taxi drivers, smooth talked by scent merchants, hassled by police and army on check points, bothered by beggars, dealt with fasting, dodged rubbish and the list goes on... but I have also been welcomed to the country, mistaken for an Egyptian (alot), met so many different types of people, been presented with so much opportunity... it’s been great!

As it stands now, I have met so many different and interesting people. Egyptians that study seem to have a certain drive to achieve, and they all do in some ways. As of last night I have taken on board maybe another 2-4 projects (none of which shall be named until I am certain I do it, so as not to disappoint) and hopefully 20-40 new friends.

I finally started my internship with Bikya Masr ( , and I am looking for a place to study Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I must have spent two hours wandering around lost after work yesterday simply for the sake of walking, and found myself in familiar territory. Like any other city, you cant get lost when you try to do so because eventually you find your way back to civilization at some point.

I urge every European to travel the world and to see some of the Middle East. Stay long enough and you will be surprised to see how many misconceptions regarding Islam you carry subconsciously. The good and bad are found in every race and religion. And in every society there are polar opposites, creating an amazing contrast. Culture is something so fluid, every person that is a part of a society will influence change in the culture.


  1. culture is so fluid!! <3

    i wish you would, both in this blog and in conversation, add more details about the various things - the people, the walks, the checkpoints, tahrir etc.

  2. Yeah i totally shuld but what ends up happening is so much happens between blgs atm, and I am usually in a state of extreme tiredness when i do write that i just give ppl a heads up.

    but you are right i will do better :)
